+1 800 265 0845 info@skylinkmbc.com

Medical Billing Fee : 5%

5% fee includes:

  • Charge Entry
  • Payment Posting
  • Submission primary Insurances
  • Submission Sec. insurances
  • Claims Rejections
  • Work on Denials
  • Appeals on claims
  • Work on Credit Balance
  • AR follow–up
  • All types of reporting
  • Coding Review*
  • Coding Review*
  • Patient billing*

*For Coding review/audit, we charge $2 fee and patient billing $1.


We will charge you

$100 per payer per provider.

  • ERA Setups- No Extra Fee
  • EFT Setups – No Extra Fee
  • EDI Setups – No Extra Fee
  • Demographic updates- No Extra Fee

IT Support and Automation

We are offering fully managed IT solutions.

  1. IT Support
  2. Data Management & Portability
  3. System automation
  4. Website Development
  5. Android and IOS mobile applications
  6. Healthcare IT Consultation

Working Structure

  • Charge entry within 24 hours.
  • Claim Submission within 24 hours
  • Updating Deposit
  • Deposit Reconciliation
  • Payment Posting
  • Posting Confirmation
  • Resolved daily Rejections
  • Worked on daily Denials
  • Suggestion on denials if we can prevent
  • Daily work on claims
  • Work with Dr. office on insurances and patient credit balances.
  • Daily coding review to make sure coding is correct.
  • Suggesting combinations to office to prevent if any coding issues

• One Team will work on 30- 120 days AR.
• 2nd team work on 120
• Corrective actions after 15 days electronic claims and 25 for paper claims.
• Appeals where required.
• Calls to get status.
• Check status by using online portals.

Monthly/Quarterly Management Report – Practice analytical

Each month/quarterly our team will prepare analytical presentation for your management to show complete analysis on practice.

Presentation will show monthly/quarterly comparison with last three months avg. or last quarter.


Analytical Samples are …

  • Overall Charges
  • Charges by insurances/provider.
  • No of patients by insurances/provider.
  • No of visits by insurances/provider.
  • Rejections by insurances/provider. Also comparison with healthcare industry avg.
  • Denials by insurances/provider. Also comparison with healthcare industry avg.
  • Overall Payments .
  • Payments by insurances
  • Patient payments
  • Insurances Aging by bucket/providers . Also comparison with MGMA healthcare industry avg.
  • Patient Aging / by providers
  • Credit Balance

Accounts Receivable & Appeal Follow-Up Procedure

HIPAA Compliance – Data Security

  • No data stored on local drives
  • Well documented and implemented user Users can access only relevant data.
  • System / servers are not accessible outside the company
  • No removable drives are allowed
  • Paperless work – No printer rights
  • Each system is protected with user id / password
  • Restricted websites access
  • Monthly compliance / data security OJT
  • CCTV Camera monitoring
  • Cell phones on work places are not allowed